Tuesday, June 24, 2008

CRASS lies crassly told by the peddler of Crossrail - that is Ken Lyingstill Livingstone's 2012 Olympics hosting benefits to London are questioned...

1440 Hrs GMT 1540 Hrs UKtime London Tuesday 24 June 2008:

KHOODEELAAR! No to 'crass lies-filled, DEGENERATION-adding, Big Business Construction Conglomerates’ UK-public-funds-craving ploy the London Crossrail......." CAMPAIGN TOLD YOU SO!

That the main tout for Crossrail, Ken LYINGSTILL Livingstone, HAD lied about the ‘benefits’ to the ‘East London’ area of his scams....

LIKE the Lies-filled 2012 London Olympics hosting scam....

That we have all along QUESTIONED the truth, questioned the veracity, questioned the basis of all the ‘regeneration’ plugs peddled for ‘big infrastructure projects’ like the 2012 Hosting scam, is clear and writ in our 24-7 publication of original reports, analyses and commentaries....

That the volumes of our daily analyses have been truthful and in the vats majority of cases, the ONLY truthful source of information on the subject of the East London area concerning BOTH of Ken Livingstone's lying ‘big infrastructure projects’ .......is now beginning to be vindicated...

EVER so slowly... ever so unjustifiably slowly...... like by the DEGENERATION web site that has published the following recognition of the fact that the 2012 Olympics hosting ‘benefits’ are in effect a pack of lies......

[To be continued]

2012 economic benefit questioned
Regen.net, 24 June 2008
The economic benefit from the London Olympic Games in 2012 is likely to be less than those enjoyed by some previous hosts, it has been claimed.
Financial market intelligence provider Standard & Poor's claims that, while the Olympic plan is not likely to burden London with massive debt, the city is unlikely to profit in the same...
Subscriber content only - want to read on?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! No to Crossrail hole plot CAMPAIGN had challenged Tom Harris in December 2007....

That KHOODEELAAR! challenge was made in the KHOODEELAAR! comment as published on the web site of the Ealing Times We are updating that now and will be posting the report here shortly

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Muhammad Haque daily commentary on the state of ethics in Gordon Brown’s ‘regime’ - "Gordon Brown has been playing to the parochial domestic gallery'"

Coming here shortly

Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole Bill - the constitutional law ground-Part 1

Khoodeelaar! is preparing a series of constitutional law representations against the contents and the purpose of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ now in the UK upper chamber of parliament [the House of Lords]. That constitutional law campaign by Khoodeelaar! defending the community in the East End of London begins in the first week of January 2008. Visit this and associated web sites to stay in touch with that stage of the universal and the historic campaign for the upholding of the rights of the people of the East End of London – and by extension of the advocacy in principle of those of the rights of all the pressurized, violated, disenfranchised destitute peoples in the UK inner cities and of the other parts of the world- and for the voicing of the rights in principle of the vast majority whose voices are not heard in the UK parliament... if with no complete success in getting the ‘select committee in the UK Parliament’s Upper Chamber [the House of Lords’] to agree with our aims but at least t disagree with us ….
for the records

Records that we shall be relying un and referring to at the next level and stage of our campaign which will be taken before the European judicial and constitutional platforms ……. Stay in touch in the ‘New Year’ of 2008.
Khoodeelaar! will publish in the next 48 hours the first list of grounds for our opposing the contents and the purpose of the Crossrail hole Bill. .. The initial objections [still called ‘petitions’ to show that Parliament is not representative of the people but exists over the people! The idea of sovereignty of the people [still not recognised in the UK] as opposed to 'parliamentary sovereignty is ripe for a root and branch review here…] can be filed [‘submitted!’] starting on 8 January 2008.|
For the LATEST Khoodeelaar! 'No to Crossrail hole Bill’ campaign news, comments and campaign updates on the Khoodeelaar! Action against the CrossRail hole plot, CLICK HERE.

Khoodeelaar! Wishing everyone Eid Mubarak – Happy Eid this week and a season of ‘Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2008’

This the 5th edition of AADHIKARonline London UK was updated at 2130 Hrs GMT on Wednesday 26 December 2007. It is part of a series of AADHIKARonline Editions that are being published to observe the just completed 27 years of journalism from the East End of London in advocating for rights against the corrupting mainstream ‘media’ and their translated servile forms published in various allegedly minority ethnic languages…
In the course of the coming weeks and months, AADHIKARonline will be carrying exclusive and comprehensive accounts of the past 27 years of the battle for rights that have been being fought from the inner city East End of London with implications for all of the UK society that the AADHIKAR weekly had been established to uphold, enhance, support an d sustain. ALL the contents being produced and published by AADHIKARonline now are authored in the context of the battles that have been being fought to defend the community against the mounting pressures being exerted by Big Business and their agents installed in the 'local' 'elected' bodies and institutions and in the 'elected' parliament. With the publication of new evidence daily of the culture of data loss that Gordon Brown’s ‘prudent’ UK administration has become so widely known for in the past 10 weeks, ALL claims, all apologies for the ‘state’ [which is collections of strategically placed and programmed people holding, abusing, sometimes using power over the rest of the population in society and in parts and locations of society] to the effect that ‘your information is safe with us’ must be treated with not just a mere pinch of salt as the saying goes but with a bucket full of salt . No issue could fit the need to be extremely skeptical of assurances about the proper use of public office, the proper use of public resource than the issue of Crassrail...

[To be continued]

Legal disclaimer [summarised statement] to apply across the internet and the world wide web and any other electronic media networks where these materials may be technically published without authorisation and permission of the author, writer, editor of the items and the editions known as AADHIKARonline and or Khoodeelaar Khoodeelaaronline, AADHIKARonline

Legal affairs

For the attention of ALL viewers of the contents here and all visitors of the contents: updated at 2330 Hrs GMT London Friday 21 December 2007.

These materials are NOT for use in any way shape or form for purposes other than to support the campaign against Crossrail hole and the other aims that have been spelt out in the course of the past 4 years of the campaign that is actively defending the areas and the communities against the attacks as threatened and planned via the Crossrail hole scam and by associated agenda ploys...
The second legal condition is that NO item must be manipulated or edited or incorporated to any other material and no use must be made of any part of the texts without fully stating and acknowledging and accurately describing the source. The details acknowledged must include the published names of the Editor and the Publisher and the web sites and the date and the web site where this material was accessed. More legal disclaimer details are available on the appropriate sites and web pages maintained by the publishers and the Khoodeelaar! Campaign

Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the draft piece of UK legislation called the CrossRail Bill [UK House of Lords]- the grounds in constitutional law, update

By©Muhammad Haque 1855 Hrs GMT
Wednesday 26 December 2007

The Khoodeelaar! Campaign against the draft piece of UK legislation called the CrossRail bill [now in the uk upper chamber, the ‘house of lords’] has included a substantial component that has addressed the behaviour of the executive [the uk govt] in the context of the government’s constitutional duties as defined by the echr.
Although Gordon Brown has been playing to the parochial domestic gallery by staging simulated stunts [as was witnessed around Lisbon recently] to show that he is contemptuous of the uk’s subscription to the European integration process, the fact is that neither brown nor any of his so-called political rivals within the UK dare defy the constitutional obligations that the UK is already under and has been so for decades.
Since 1950 in fact!
This fact is one of the key arguments that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign has been citing from the very start. And this is one that we shall rely on both during our formal representation to the House of Lords [starting in January 2008] and also in any subsequent campaign application against the CrossRail hole Bill that we anticipate we may be forced to make to the European constitutional court against the executive in the UK.
I say “we anticipate we may be forced…” to mean that such a situation may be created and or caused by the ‘CrossRail select committee’ of the UK Upper Chamber [or the ‘whole house of lords’ bureaucratically] conducting itself in such a way as to discredit any claim that it may assert of being [or having been] compliant with its duties [House of Lords] to respect the constitutional demands as those arise from the UK’s status as a signatory to the relevant European treaty.
Such grounds include the fact that Alistair Darling, then the UK secretary of state for transport who actually introduced the ‘Crossrail Bill’ for the first time into the Tony Blaired UK House of Commons in February 2005, claimed that the contents of that draft piece of legislation were compliant with the European Conventions.
He had to make that statement.
That act is part of the UK’s European constitutional duties.
But did Alistair Darling know what he was saying?
Did he knowingly make a false, untruthful statement to the UK Parliament?
[To be continued]

Part 2 of the Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for London at the scheduled election [May 2008] for ‘mayor of London' [!!!] and the GLA in May 2008: The rights of the foxes - and other animals - in London to a safe environment free from Ken Livingstone’s Big Business and property speculators' bull dozers

By©Muhammad Haque
0320 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 25 December 2007

All you could see was the disappearing tail of the scared, starving fox.
Just as scared as the thousands of pigeons have been that ken Livingstone has been slaughtering, murdering in London.... this fox had taken refuse in a building not far from the Hanbury street, very close to Brick Lane…in the East End of London and for two days, the fox was not noticed by the people using the building. until the pangs of hunger made the animal very unsettled and it made attempts to get out of a locked building…
thus drawing attention to its presence in that space….
when approached, it pretended to be static as a way of defending itself...it took a good hour and a great deal of care to be able to see the fox make its way for the wild – what is left of it near Brick Lane…
I wonder what Ken Livingstone would have made of the fox trying to find a home in a place in the vicinity of Brick Lane.!!
“vermin’ is what he has used against the thousands of pigeons that had their home in London’s Trafalgar square… then Livingstone had them slaughtered…. ‘red’ ken! sad ken more like…
it is the same sickness and cruelty of mind towards the innocent, the vulnerable that Livingstone has shown for decades… < br>but the crafty Ken has been allowed to get away with to by the hundreds of active propagandists whom he has bribed from public purse that he has had access to in his career in London.
Whatever would Livingstone do to all those foxes that are increasingly seeking shelter in London?
What American hero [no matter how perverted] would Livingstone imitate next to make it 'trendy' to condemn hungry, homeless foxes in London?

[To be continued]

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign events to start on 2 January 2008. Details will be announced by 0100 Hrs GMT on 1 January 2008

Khoodeelaar! Community Objections to the ‘Crossrail Bill’ begin being filed in the House of Lords ‘select committee’ on ‘Crossrail Bill’ on 8 January 2008

from the previous editions

Khoodeelaar! Manifesto for the ‘London assembly and mayor elections scheduled for May 2008’ – Parts 3, 4,5 and 6 due to be published here in the next few hours

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill – a review of the year in action
Khoodeelaar! Questions to Crossrail hole-inviting clique on Tower Hamlets ‘the local’ Council – and the idiocies that the clique perpetrates when feigning to ‘reply’ or pretend to reply – for the first time in four years - to the hundreds of those questions – We reveal how stupid the corrupt clique has been and why their stupidity has been responsible for the CrossRail hole mess that the community has been landed with…
Breaking campaign news
Khoodeelaar! Campaign guidance and notes on the formal objections to be filed in the January 2008 to the Crossrail hole Bill [the ‘Crossrail Bill’ as it is in the UK Upper Chamber,’ the House of Lords’] as at 22 December 2007
Khoodeelaar! in context – the campaign in defence of the East End of London and the implications of the campaign so far on the fact and the standard [!] of service and ‘representation’ owed to the community by the seekers of public office and the holders of the offices in the name of the East End of London – a ‘democracy deficit’ by the careerists in 2007

Muhammad Haque daily world economic commentary

2310 Hrs GMT London Friday 21 December 2007

<1>Gordon Brown is floating on fantasy as he prepares to take flight from practising what he preached in the months and weeks before he took over at No 10 Downing Street: when Brown falls, he will fall far harder than Blair ever did. That is saying something. That will be a very severe fall…!

Several commentators in the so-called mainstream media and writing under contracts of payment for what they write – which is a different arrangement from the Khoodeelaar! Campaign against Crossrail and the AADHIKAR Media Foundation backing that campaign which are maintained without any commercial or comparable payments of any description. This trend in the mainstream media is astoundingly significant. First, all the media outlets that are now carrying the ever so tiny signs of reservation about the Crossrail have been and still remain otherwise committed, zealous backers of the Big Business London CrossRail scam. So what is going on in the country?

A number of sources in Britain have begun to actually refer to ‘CrossRail’ in a negative way in the past days. In fact, Brown himself has referred to the London Crossrail just once in his ‘end of the calendar year press conference’ held on 21 DECEMB ER 2007. I shall examine that reference in a later commentary.
One of Tony Blair’s ‘wealthy’ co-MPs, and short-time minister in the Blair administration, Geoffrey Robinson, has told the BBC for a broadcast due tonight [Friday 21 December 2007] that there is still a likelihood of economic downturn in the UK.

That prediction is perhaps quite predictable, given that Gordon Brown has now gone on the record as making commitments for his administration to give more than £100 Billion of the public money to the various essentially pro-Right and Right-wing projects that are contrived for enriching the already rich in the main.

The extent of the ‘Northern Rock’ collapse is yet to be accurately recorded, let alone its impact fully admitted. Or understood.
So the behaviour of Gordon Brown in rushing so much of the public money to the alleged rescue of ‘Northern Rock’ has been both imprudent as well as inconsistent with the many claims that both Brown himself has been making as well his many media propagandists are making in support of the slogan that Brown still is a safer hand economically speaking than any alternative or rivals on the visible horizon.

Contrast Brown’s eagerness to rush out £Billions of public money for the rich and the extra rich with his readiness to go to the most extreme harshness in showing hostility to the majority of the poverty-stricken people across the country. Look then at the state of the public sector and look at the language Brown uses. You cannot distinguish bias against what used to be called the ‘welfare state’ from that used by any of the selection – the standard, textbook or practising market capitalist.
Gordon Brown is no compassionate holder of office of Prime Minister of the UK. And under his a-compassionate [that is, highly market-based, indifferent to compassion] approach to government the future of the UK itself is getting weaker and will get weaker. As will whatever cohesion he and Blair had managed to contrive in the 10 years that saw Blair in the office now Brown occupies.

[To be continued]
KHOODEELAAR! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area ‘No to CRASSRail hole Bill’ CAMPAIGN breaking news: CRASSRail hole plot-backing London Evening Standard to be taken to the press regulator for lying for Ken Livingstone and lying with Ken Livingstone for the past many years…

full details shortly

Why the Lib Dumb ‘London’ ‘mayoral candidate [May 2008] ’ Brian Paddick is being inept [=that is ignorant, naïve, anti-transparency and thoroughly contrary to the demand for the overdue exposure of sleaze-ball-encouraging careerist] incumbent 'London mayor' Livingstone the inappropriate, the ill-timed and the ill-invoked ‘benefit of the doubt ‘over corruption in Ken’s den!

AADHIKARonline creates and carries daily legal and constitutional updates and commentaries. All of these are created exclusively by the AADHIKAR Media Foundation in association with the Khoodeelaar! campaign against the Crossrail hole plot attacks on the East End of London..
By extension, we are also defending the rest of the inner cities in the UK and are voicing the demands and recording the evidence in support of the democratic and the human rights of the population that is being left disenfranchised by the abysmally corrupt establishment in the UK that Gordon Brown is fronting. Our opposition to the CrossRail hole plot is both specific to the actual plan and also principled in that we are showing that Crossrail typifies similar plans by Big Business aimed at the majority of ordinary people and ordinary communities… The ONLY guarantee of effective defence against these attacks is by the PEOPLE getting active and staying consistently and truthfully active in defence of the communities including each one of the affected land, space and the endangered environment and all the rights…Eternal vigilance is indeed what is needed, not sleaziness!!! Not ANY sleaze-ball-gravitating [‘political’!!!!] party, group, faction… or fabrication as fronted by any Brown, Ca-Moron or Clegg!!!For the LATEST news, comments and campaign updates on the Khoodeelaar! Action against the CrossRail hole plot, CLICK HERE.


1255 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 19 December 2007: Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole plot Bill CAMPAIGN NEWS Conference at 4 PM today in Hanbury St London E1 >>> focussing on the Khoodeelaar! formal objections to the 'Crossrail Bill' to be put to the UK House of Lords, starting on 8 January 2008

Important: access to the News Conference ALL bona fide news crews and reporters should arrive at 7-15 Greatorex Street London E1 5 NF not later than 1545 to be assisted to the actual venue

Areas to be covered at the News Conference include these:-
1. After the latest Crossrail hole U-Turn :
Khoodeelaar! demands that the ‘Crossrail Bill’ as it is be scrapped and an entirely new programme addressing the relevant transport needs drafted by taking into actual account the many appropriate suggestions and advice that people from across London and elsewhere in the UK have put to the UK Parliament [so far the House of Commons]
2. The Crossrail hole-plot-inviter controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council must produce evidence to support their claim that ‘Crossrail would bring huge benefits’ top the East End of London. If they still fail to or refuse to provide the evidence then they must withdraw their support for a Crossrail hole-digging programme in the rest of the East End of London.
3. Tower Hamlets Council must answer the Khoodeelaar! questions as put by Khoodeelaar! to the ‘full Council’ on 11 September 2007 and again put in the presentation made by Khoodeelaar! to the ‘full Council’ meeting held on 28 November 2007
4. Ken Livingstone must answer all outstanding KHOODEELAAR! Questions as put to him and as put to TFL over the past 4 years and produce the evidence that is truthful, credible and up-to-date answers and evidence in response to our questions about all the assertions that Livingstone has made either personally in his utterances, statements and comments or via the TfL and others in the entourage that has been funded in the name of London but without Livingstone showing any transparency whatever about the actual uses - and gross abuses- of office that he has been making and without his showing due and manifest respect to basic standards of accountability let alone honesty in the context of the Khoodeelaar! campaign for accountability from those who have been peddling CrossRail
5. Local [!!!!] GLA member John Biggs must answer all the outstanding questions that Khoodeelaar! has so far put to him on the subject of his own utterances
6. Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling, Ruth Kelly and Jim Fitzpatrick must answer all the Questions that Khoodeelaar! has put to each one of them IN CONTEXT and over the past four years and including about the Whitechapel Crossrail hole station and if they cannot or will not answer those questions concerning the entire known conceptual, technical and analytical spectrum of the matter then they must support our call that the plan to have a Crossrail hole station at Whitechapel be scrapped
7. All other matters that remain unaddressed by the parties concerned peddling Crossrail hole plot as it currently is, even after the stated U-Turn on the ‘Hanbury Street’ Crossrail ventilation shaft..
[The other aspects of the Khoodeelaar! News conference will be elaborated on and addressed at the events starting at 4 PM that is 1600 Hrs GMT today Wednesday 19 December 2007.]

Khoodeelaar! No to CrossRail hole Plot – campaign News conference on the Programme against Crossrail as scheduled to be put to the House of Lords ‘Crossrail; Bill ‘ select Committee. Also the Khoodeelaar! statement on the CROSSRAIL latest U-Turn and the next campaign programme to stop the remaining Crossrail hole attacks on the East End of London
4 PM on Wednesday 19 December 2007 in the Hanbury Street
off Brick Lane, London E1

For access to venue, call 0207 247 8501 after 1400 Hrs or send your details by email to


[Use lower key to write that e-mail address] before 1200 Hrs GMT Wednesday 19 December 2007
Khoodeelaar! exposes this morning [Wednesday 19 December 2007] the Ken Livingstone-controlled CrossRail hole plot project employee Douglas Oakervee contempt for the due process of parliamentary scrutiny of the ‘Crossrail Bill’

The exposure, authored this morning by the Khoodeelaar! organiser in response to a statement reported in the Ealing Times. The Khoodeelaar! comment in fact asserts the constitutional right of the UK Upper Chamber to do the due and unfettered scrutiny of the ‘Crossrail Bill’ that is due to be considered by that Chamber I staring in three weeks. The Khoodeelaar! constitutional law commentary has been published this morning on the website of the west London area based newspaper group including the Ealing Times

By ©Muhammad Haque
Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area campaign against the ‘Crossrail hole plot Bill’
0852 Hrs GMT

19 December 2007

Douglas Oakervee is not entitled whilst still in paid employment of the Ken Livingstone-controlled outfit, to opine as if he speaks for the ‘mind’ of the UK Parliament. .
Unless he is wantonly negligent about the implications of irresponsible utterances in the name of the bogus company that has been conjured up to facilitate the Big Business agenda masked as a transport project in the name of London, he has to show that he has learnt to recognise the sovereignty of parliament. .
His words as quoted in your report, suggest that the House of Lords is just a formality with no serious potential of overturning whatever it is that Mr Oakervee thinks he and his alleged ‘CrossRail team’ have already bagged as far as the House of Commons was concerned. It is this presumption of unconstitutionality and lack of democratic scrutiny in the behaviour of those who have been peddling the CrossRail hole plot [the ‘CrossRail Bill’ now in the UK House of Lords] that the Khoodeelaar! Campaign is focussing on as one of the procedural, constitution-linked wrongs that must be reversed. .
We have already set out to challenge the CrossRail Bill in its particular implications to the community in the East End of London and would encourage others in other parts of London and the suburbs who are going to be affected by the Bill to be not deterred by the display of false assurances by those who do not understand that Crossrail does NOT equal meeting the transport needs of London.
Khoodeelaar! is seeking to have due, full, transparent and constitutional scrutiny of all relevant aspects of the CrossRail Bill by the House of Lords ‘select committee’ on the Bill. .
The Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign is relying on the UK constitutional framework that is based on the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as is evident in the constitutional recognition of the Conventions in the existence of the [UK] Human Rights Act 1998.
Mr Oakervee and his ‘sponsors’ should demonstrate that they recognise the arrangement, rather than dismissing the House of Lords in advance of the constitutional task that the ‘Upper chamber’ is supposed to do without its work being already consigned to a level as being less than equal to the House of Commons, or free from executive dictations! .

By©Muhammad Haque
2340 Hrs GMT
London Tuesday 18 December 2007

Coming in the next few hours

The four years of struggle by the Khoodeelaar! campaign for the defence of the East End of London against attacks by Big Business as manifest in the Crossrail hole plot

How the CrossRail hole plot-inviter corrupt clique on Tower Hamlets Council abused its hold of the controlling levers on the ‘locally elected council’ to peddle the lies in order to sink the community in whose name the ‘local council’ itself exists… How the corrupt clique bribed ‘ethnicity-linked’ ‘leaders’ to lie to and against the very ‘ethnicity-linked’ people in whose name these ‘leaders’ did their ‘trade’ of selling the community short…
How the CrossRail, hole-inviter Council has been letting the community down by stubbornly defying common sense and reason over its failures to provide quality in the schools under its ‘local education authority’ control…
How the deficit in skills that the failing Council has negligently built over the years across the East End DEMAND that OUTSIDERS, NEWCOMERS and assorted others whose ‘status and legitimacy’ are forever questioned, are recruited to do the jobs that are CLAIMED to be being created for ‘the deprived East End of London’..
How generations, successions of ‘leading’ posts-holding 'councillors' on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council have been failing the ordinary people of the East End of London and why the battle to defend the community against the Crossrail hole-inviting collusions by the controlling clique on the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets Council is also the battle to defend the most vital, the universally recognised and needed services to support basic civilised living standards of the people of and in the East End of London

To be continued]

Previous editions
This 1st edition was updated at 0001 Hrs GMT on Monday 17 December.2007.
AADHIKARonline editions are also published on a number of external web sites every day. including on
www.khoodeelaar .com

Khoodeelaar! no to CrossRail hole plot on the east end of London is supported by

the Aadhikar media foundation, established on Monday 19 December 1980 with the publication of the weekly Aadhikar from London E1 uk

AADHIKARonline also publishes the 24/7 editions of the daily news of the Khoodeelaar! campaign including updater bulletins on the Internet.
we also carry selected editions of other investigative reports conducted by Aadhikar and observations and comments in defence of the community in and across the east end of London
to view the later editions of Aadhikar online and the latest Khoodeelaar! campaign against the CrossRail hole plot bill commentary, insights, updates, statements, news about and against the CrossRail hole plot, click here

Aadhikar means rights, the battle has so far lasted 27 years under this particular title [AADHIKAR]

AADHIKARonline has just entered the 28th year of publishing since the publication from London E1 UK of the foundation issue of the weekly AADHIKAR on Monday 19 December 1980.

the contributions of everyone in the publication of the first issue of the then weekly Aadhikar and in the time that followed into the next year [1981] are recorded.
With particular debt of gratitude we remember the main supporter Musammat Mofura Khatun the next main supporter Shah Muhammad Nimar Ali and the next main supporter Musammat Roushan Ara Begum.

Full acknowledgment is recorded here of the contributions of those who volunteered their times, energies and enthusiasm as members of the news, research and production team: [in alphabetical order]

D E Bailey





www.khoodeelaar .com

Editor©Muhammad Haque

Editor©Muhammad Haque

Khoodeelaar! Constitutional law and campaign commentary against the UK Parliamentary Bill known as the ‘CrossRail Bill.

1415 HRS GMT
London Sunday 16 December 2007
http://www.Khoodeelaar! .com
Khoodeelaar! The campaign against CrossRail hole bill is taking the objections to the formal parliamentary committee in a few weeks’ time…
Khoodeelaar! The brick lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London e1 area campaign is embarked on a multi-faceted campaign against the attacks via CrossRail hole bill on the east end of London. One of those facets is manifest in the challenges to the conduct of the promoters inside the formal UK parliament.
The objections will be detailed by follow the procedural route that is undergoing finalisation by the particular administrative unit that has recently been set up in the house of lords for the purpose of ‘allowing formal objections to the CrossRail bill’ to take place.
The Khoodeelaar! Objections will incorporate all the main points that remain unaddressed by what was done by the poodle ‘select committee’ called the CrossRail bill select committee, that has just been wound up in the uk lower chamber or the HOUSE OF COMMONS. The next Khoodeelaar! Series of objections, being initially put to the UK HOUSE OF LORDS [Crossrail Bill] Committee starting in a few weeks’ time, cover the gist of the work done by Khoodeelaar! Over the past 4 years. In the four years [January 2004 to December 2007], Khoodeelaar! Campaign has carried out the study of thousands of documents and special reports. In diagnosing the contents, Khoodeelaar! has created millions of words in response to the ‘CROSSRAIL-TROJAN HORSE ATTACKS PLAN AGAINST THE EAST END OF LONDON’. Those words include the detailed subject by subject dissection of everything that CrossRail hole promoters have said. The diagnoses of the CrossRail hole plotters’ lies are accompanied by a comprehensive series of material rebutting the claims initiated by big business and parroted incessantly via the mouths and the offices of the ‘undone mayor’ ken Livingstone and by the ‘local’ tower hamlets council and their colluders, co-touts and co-agents..
The evidence that has been found shows that the planned digging of the holes in the east end of London has been invited by the locally installed ‘tower hamlets council. How? Answer: by the controlling clique on that council being itself controlled by agents of big business via many secret means.
Those agents wanted to use the excuse of placing a ‘CrossRail hole station at Whitechapel’ as a ’benefit’ to the area in return for the ‘local council’ as the de facto planning regulator for the area, allowing the big business interests to carry out takeover experiments and assaults against the best parts of the ordinary residential and community areas in the e1 parts of the borough which they could then link with their other, almost wholly-occupied [by big business] target of the former 'isle of dogs'…
the secret means used to rob the east end of democratic say and democratic defence of the community against the big business CrossRail hole Trojan horse will be a plank in the next series of Khoodeelaar! campaign demands for constitutionality and legality in the conduct of and by the uk Govt…
On the evidence of the UK govt’s conduct SO FAR, it has been established that the Govt has been allowed to flout the law and to violate its duties. This serious flaw in the actual conduct of the parliament itself will be the focus of Khoodeelaar! ] s legal and constitutional campaign at a stage in the future.
The UK Govt is under constitutional and legal duties to abide by the obligations to respect the environment. To respect the local people. To respect the legitimate and reasoned arguments against the plan.
Against the scheme. Against the entire Crossrail Bill. The Govt has failed on all those counts…
. Instead the Govt has flouted its duties to enable Big Business to go ahead with their claims that Digging holes is ‘beneficial’ to the people whom the digging attacks. Disrupts. Distablises and displaces…
Digging holes. Digging up dust. Dirt. Causing noise. Vibration. Fumes. Distress.
Anxiety. Loss of access. Loss of space. Dirty the air. Bad air. Inhaling toxic stuff being brought out from under the ground. Ventilation? Ventilate bad air.
Ventilate bad air from deep under the ground and into the local air making the local air worse.
Moving vehicles.
Heavy goods vehicles through narrow streets. Built up area.
Children, families, old people … people are harassed, destabilised, distraught… then there is the likelihood, the chance, that war time German bombs dropped on the east end of London may be found. Could be found. Unexploded bombs.
What if one of those gets ‘accidentally’ set off by the digging process? Unstable land. Soil condition. ……

[This Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail hole Bill update is continued online. To access this and other parts of the Constitutional Law commentary by Muhammad Haque against the Crossrail hole Bill, visit
http://www.Khoodeelaar! .com and follow the news links]

0020 Hrs GMT London Sunday 16 December 2007:

Khoodeelaar! Updating the contents of the objections to the CrossRail hole Bill to be put in the UK ‘House of Lords’ [the unelected ‘upper chamber’ of the UK Legislature] and the review of the campaign year 2007 in defence of the East End of London and the ‘No to CrossRail hole plot Bill’ annual campaign meeting at 6 pm today, Sunday 16 December 2007 at the BDC, Greatorex St London E1 5NF,

CASH for Crassrail! The corruption is being conceded, at last! As reported in a modest way by the Sunday Times todayCLICK HERE to View the item as published by the Sunday Times website this morning.
[To be continued]

From last week’s editions

confirm your reservation of a place by 4 pm Friday 14 December 2007 by e-mailing

Khoodeelaar! prepares to tell the next ‘parliamentary committee’ on the CrossRail hole plot why it [the uk parliament] should behave as the slogan says it ‘does’ [!] – scrutinize the executive, hold the lying agents of big business now in Govt to account, get the protected and publicly-paid perpetrators of lies in and via parliament to come clean and recommend to the ‘full parliament’ to scrap the wasteful, over-hyped scheme…. and all that that entails
Khoodeelaar! prepares to mount the constitutional law challenge against any parliamentary bureaucracy that may pretend to assume powers it does not have – namely and including ‘the power to bar’ the presentation of reasonable, real and legitimate objections to the Crassrail hole plot [as is contained in the latest version of the ‘CrossRail bill, in the uk parliament]
continuing the reporting of the Khoodeelaar! demands as put to the ‘full council’ of tower hamlets borough council held on 28 November 2007

AADHIKARonline questions at 0840 hrs GMT Thursday 13.11.2007 for all those who promote ‘achievements’ about and even [!] ‘by’ tower hamlets schools:-
Gordon brown has been given yet another photo promotion at the expense of the east end of London, showing that he is a ‘natural’ ‘encourager’ [!!!] and ‘cuddler’ of ‘kids’ in the “east end’. putting aside [for a moment] the small matter of his role in reviving the racist British empire ‘values’ – which he had just been doing in the hours before he flew back into Britain to resume the parades ‘as the pm’, should Gordon brown be allowed to get so physically close to other peoples’ children, as the staged pictures show him to have been? what ‘vaah-loos’ [as brown pronounces the word he has reduced to a term of abuse already] license him to do that?

what about the tower hamlets 'kids' in crime?
what about the tower hamlets 'kids' that have stayed away from any 'education' for years in tower hamlets?
what about the tower hamlets schools that called the cops on residents who complained of 'kids' parking themselves in droves outside peoples’ homes during 'school terms’?
and a thousand more questions like these?

from the previous editions

publishing the campaign commentary, related comments, news and information from the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crassrail hole plot

2215 hrs GMT London Wednesday 12 December 2007:

Khoodeelaar! no to Crassrail hole campaign. dissecting ken Livingstone’s ‘dlr’ lies at ‘Langdon park station’, and even more questions for ‘tower hamlets council’ ‘leader’ Denise Jones…

By©Muhammad Haque organiser Khoodeelaar! no to CrossRail hole plot

ken Livingstone seems to fly on waves of fantasy. as he did earlier this week while soaking up more media attention than he craves and is usually given.

he made all manner of boasts about the dockland light railway [=’dlr’] station at Langdon park in [the poplar area] in the east end of London.
a particular Livingstone propaganda boast was that the dlr station was guaranteed to make the ‘deprived locals’ get out of the rut. this same theme has been Livingstone’s mainstay in his peddling of CrossRail hole plot against the same east end of London.
Livingstone should know that he is telling a serious untruth when he makes this claim.
because he has parroted the city of London, canary wharf and big business agenda phrases word for word in ‘justification’ of his creeping touting for ‘CrossRail’ to be given the £billons of public money…
all these over - hyped ‘transport’ links are products of plans and strategies that are decided by speculators, developers and those big business elements and forces that want to capture the ‘deprived’ east end and adjoining parts and make the areas eventually free of local people and communities.
just as the CrossRail hole plot is a product of big business agenda to link up the various big business exploitation centres. this has nothing whatever to do with the local east end people our needs our demands.
my latest questions sent in the past hour to the ‘current leader’ of the ‘local’ tower hamlets council makes the point very clear.

1140 hrs GMT
Wednesday 12 December 2007

“dear Denise Jones
this is from Khoodeelaar! the campaign against CrossRail hole attacks plot on the east end of London.
I am writing this after reading yesterday [Tuesday 11 December 2007] your statements about Crassrail as published by the website which I have quoted below.
as you must be aware by now, we have put this very same question to tower hamlets [the ‘local’] council for almost four years – what benefits will CrossRail bring to the east end?
now that you have been quoted as saying ‘huge benefits’, it is utterly important that you list at least enough of those that reasonably can constitute the ground to justify your statement ‘huge benefits’.
if you won’t do that – or if you can’t do that – then you have a moral, a constitutional and a legal duty to say why.
you must also tell us today what stopped you from speaking at the ‘full council’ on 28 November 2007 when I put the same question to the council.
equally, you have the legal duty to show on what evidence the ‘we’ [meaning, presumably, the democratic and the legitimate entity of tower hamlets council – as opposed to the undemocratic clique that abuses the name and the formal constitutional identity of the council…] ever came to decide that that position, as again attributed to you in the web site [see quoted below], was either in accord with the legitimate needs, preference or demands of the ordinary east enders or was the best solution to the transport needs of the people taken in the full context of all the relevant facts and factors.
again, this too was included in the Khoodeelaar! presentation to the council on 28 November 2007 and you stayed silent on that.
as did every single one of the others who apparently followed [and still follows] you as the ‘leader’ of the council.
why didn’t any of you speak with the credible evidence to back up these propaganda claims?
we [the Khoodeelaar! campaign] have said all along – and I reiterate it here in this form for your recollection – that the claim that the Crassrail hole plot is justifiable because it will ‘bring benefits’, must be stated only with evidence that can support such a claim.
if the claim is made without evidence and without credible evidence then the utterance of that claim is nothing but an utter lie.
and a lie that will cost the credibility of anyone who makes it or encourages or presses anyone else to make it.
Cllr Denise Jones, leader, tower hamlets council updated TfL on the council’s position on CrossRail.
she said: “the council has always supported the CrossRail scheme but not at any cost. “we recognize that CrossRail will bring huge regeneration benefits to the borough but we have some concerns about the construction methods.
“these are being resolved in a number of changes – known as undertakings - by CrossRail which are designed to reduce the environmental impacts. tower hamlets council has secured nearly twice as many undertakings as any other council.”

Khoodeelaar challenges CrossRail hole -inviter tower hamlets council ‘leader’ Denise Jones about her false statement for CrossRail benefits as published on Tuesday 11 December 2007 – texts here soon
this version was edited at 0440 hrs GMT London Wednesday 12 December 2007:

will CrossRail hole-backer ken Livingstone be held to account by the ‘elected’ ‘gla’ members today! Hardly! And that is the least of the failures of this grand, multi £billion outfit that has been reduced to a democracy-deficit shitty hall instead of being the [promised!!] citadel for democratic accountability and courage to tell the truth for the people of London…!
The importance of the charade, also known as the scheduled ‘questions’ to the current ‘London mayor’ ken Livingstone due to be staged today [Wednesday 12 December 2007] at the ‘greater London assembly’ – a routine that has scarcely caused Livingstone to show respect to basic democratic duties that he has owed to tell the truth about what he does with all the public cash and all the powers that Tony Blair unwisely or perniciously cynically made available to him - must not be exaggerated.
neither the words uttered this week by the lib Dumbs on the gla nor the inane words as expressed so far by the gla Tories go anywhere near holding the ‘elected mayor’ to account on behalf of the people of London.
both ‘mainstream’ ‘opposition’ parties have behaved, on the whole as Livingstone’s poodles on all major issues.
hardly surprising here that Khoodeelaar! notes their collusion and unnecessary abdication of duty to challenge Livingstone over the absurd and the grotesquely false and untruthful claims he made promoting the CrossRail hole plot….
that role as played by the gla lib Dumbs and the gla Tories has condemned them to the position of moral and democratic deficit from where they cannot legitimately claim to have a ‘record’ of robust demands and questioning of Livingstone’s uses – and abuses- of office.
sure they can stage pathetic stunts for the benefit of the limited media crews.
but they cannot sustain any claim they may wish to make of being really opposed to his abuses of office….
the ‘greens’ too have been acting as his stooges.
having sold their ‘political souls’ to the devil incarnate in office, the so-called opposition parities on the ghastly liable assembly of time-servers now prance about pretending to be rigorous questioners!
and the devil in power at shitty hall knows their secrets.
how they have sold London people down the drain for years by constantly colluding with the conniving ken! there is no chance of real accountability being secured for the people of London under current arrangements at the 'gla'.
because all the gla post holders have acted as if it is a favour they are doing to the people by even appearing to notice what is being printed in the London commuter paper the ‘evening standard’! they have not questioned Livingstone on any of his major failures.
and there have been too many.
not the least of which is Livingstone’s act of organized cruelty against animals in London.
and so the gla ‘opposition’ members are not going to do so today, over the latest revelations.
Livingstone has shown by his parading of three obscure – and incredibly described ‘black community leaders’ [!!!] – on Tuesday that he has made sufficiently ‘clever’ ‘political investments [!!!]’ over the years to be able to produce that sort of parade in order to keep being allowed to claim that he is at once English, European, African, Asian… anything that suits the moment, Livingstone can adjust himself to being that. whatever his career and ego plans need and require…
there is nothing that anyone at the gla [in context] can say or do to stop him….
he is the most powerful man at the London shitty hall that Tony Blair built – for the housing of the ego that Livingstone has evidently become! all mayors of big cities get to become… this big!
hush now. the mighty ken Livingstone is about to speak… and to defame, to smear and to deny! any dictatorial holder of office in any of the typically remote ‘far flung’ republics away from the ‘democratic Britain’ would be proud to be able to enjoy the adulation of the ‘free’ press that Livingstone has enjoyed in the past two terms as ‘mayor of London’!

Langdon parked lies by Livingstone - crass talk by Crassrail hole plot-backer fabricator Livingstone – more here soon

0850 hrs GMT London Tuesday 11 December 2007: Khoodeelaar! says CrossRail equals degeneration….new challenge to CrossRail hole plot bill minister tom harries
in a new response to the propaganda for CrossRail as published via the times, London, website, the Khoodeelaar! campaign organiser Muhammad Haque says the following:
“tom Harris, who is a new minister in the UK government department for transport [DfT] has failed to answer the questions that Khoodeelaar! campaign against CrossRail hole bill [the ‘CrossRail bill’] has been asking the DfT for at least 4 years.
tom Harris and others have remained silent in relation to the questions we have been putting to them.
because they cannot substantiate as supportable the lies that they have been peddling for CrossRail. CrossRail equals degeneration in the context of the propaganda.”
tower hamlets council’s official website states that they would reply to the Khoodeelaar! formal presentation of opposition to the CrossRail hole plot within 28 days of the full council meeting at which the campaign put the latest demands. the council’s ‘decision sheet’ as accessible this evening [Monday 10 December 2007] on their official website does not elaborate on what actually took place about CrossRail on 28 November 2007. the AADHIKARonline report on that Khoodeelaar! action, due here in the next 10 hours, will contain the key facts.
[from the AADHIKARonline editions published in the early afternoon on Monday 10 December 2007]amazingly, [!!!!] the London ‘evening standard’ seems still to be the only ‘mainstream’ news outlet that has either the ‘sense’ or the ‘business’ ‘acumen’ or the ‘courage’ to carry yet another piece of ‘investigative’ reports into ken Livingstone’s entourage….
AADHIKARonline has been monitoring the behaviour of all the other ‘mainstream’ outfits and will be publishing the first comprehensive analysis here. we have already scooped the entire uk media including the evening standard itself on the daily mail having surrendered – temporarily at any rate – to the legal action threats issued under the aegis of the ‘undone mayor’ – [to be continued]
Khoodeelaar! has received a reply from the tower hamlets CrossRail hole-inviter council, to the item we had published this morning [immediately below this line]
Khoodeelaar! tells tower hamlets council to stop being in denial about the council’s role so far in inviting the CrossRail hole attacks on the east end of London
this is contained in the first of several of the day’s campaign communications to the council from the campaign today [Monday 10 December 2007].

extracts below

please note that even if the council ‘establishment’ may have a de facto policy – we say may – of being in denial with reference to their receipt of the representation from the `Khoodeelaar! campaign, we have the verifiable policy of absolute transparency.
we publish all our main campaign information in the public domain. this includes communications sent to the council employees concerned.
we do have an additionally ethical and moral policy protecting the identity of all employees, except two.
the two are the chief executive at any given time [for the obvious reason that they are the holder of that post] and Owen Whalley who has been responsible for the serious damage being caused to the community by his [Whalley] particularly anti-social involvement in the fabrication of the CrossRail propaganda
extracts end
Khoodeelaar !legal Action programme updates including the next formal presentation to the UK houses of parliament
further reports on the Khoodeelaar! presentation of the demands to the ‘full council’ meeting [28.11.2007] of tower hamlets council
Khoodeelaar! evidence of CrossRail damage to the east end of London and campaign to defend the east end against the agenda that CrossRail is part of - annual Khoodeelaar! seminar 6 pm Sunday 16 December 2007
examining the ‘east London Idiotiser’ – their latest parasitic propaganda for elements that really have nothing whatever to do with the needs, the rights and the entitlements of the people of the east end of London -